

About me

I’m Eduardo Lemos, a software developer based in Brasília, Brazil. I’ve graduated in computer engineering in 2022 at University of Brasília.

I’ve started programming by changing IDs of items and blocks in Minecraft mods back in the day. Later on, at the final stretch at university, I discovered that computer science is addicting.

After such discovery, I’ve started to slowly increase the number of personal projects. At the current moment, I actively participate in the study group Dr.Nekoma. In parallel, I study continuous time modeling in Haskell with my mentor Edil Medeiros – a continuation of my graduation project.

Additionally, I’m personally interested in economics, ethics and philosophy, with the latter being where the main problems reside.

About this site

My goal is to share meaningful thoughts about a myriad of topics, ranging from technical discoveries all the way to philosophical thoughts and life lessons based on personal experience.


I’d also like to thank Victor Freire for helping me to get this blog up and running.