Circular Programming or Corecursion



I created this post during the make of my graduation project more than one and half years ago. This post served as training of a topic I had the intention of talking about in the final thesis – something that ended up not happening. I’ve made a presentation on Dr.Nekoma about the topic, given how interesting it is. The following is the original post.


Here I present a very descriptive explanation of a solution to a simple example problem. The solution explores the concepts of circular programming or corecursion. Because of the constraints of this topic, it is important to pay attention to detail using drawings as the main tool.

Our problem consists of doing the following: we have a list of elements and we want to replace every single element of it with the minimum element. The last requirement is the tricky one: we want to do it in a single pass, i.e, checking each element only once.

As our main reference already points out [1], in C we would be dealing with pointers all over the place to solve this. At each position of the list, we replace the current element with a pointer to a memory region which will serve as a placeholder for the minimum value at the end of the entire pass. At the end of each comparison, we change the value contained in this region. We will end up with all elements of the list being pointers pointing to the same place which is a region that contains the minimum element, fulfilling our needs.

This, however, is a very imperative way to accomplish this task. What about a functional approach? This is where circular programming or corecursion comes [2] to the rescue. Unfortunately, this solution requires a very rare type of intuition, thus requesting a lot of patience to understand it completely. This is where I come in.


To exemplify our goal, I will present first the solution inspired by [1]. It uses three functions working together. Let’s start with the mind-bending one:

trace :: (a -> c -> (b, c)) -> a -> b
trace f init = result
    where (result, feedback) = f init feedback

The weird part of this trace function is in the “where” clause: the function f requests feedback which is part of the answer. Initially, this seems like a very notorious paradox. How can we use something that is not yet produced? Fair enough. Let’s continue our journey so at the end we can check using ghci if this mess actually works.

Next up is the main body of our algorithm, function r':

r' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a -> ([a], a)
r' [x] m = ([m], x)
r' (x:xs) m = let (rep, m') = r' xs m
                            in (m : rep, min x m')

In contrast with the previous function, this one is simple using our common and loved type of recursion. Pattern matching is guiding the process to continue accordingly and at the end of execution, we will have a pair. The first element of it is a list with all elements being m. The second part of the pair is the minimum element of the list we initially provided.

We can use ghci as a sanity check:

*Main> r' [1..10] 0
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 1)

Awesome! We can now verify what is going on with this r’ function. Let’s continue. Finally, the last function is the glue calling trace and r’ in order to solve our problem:

r :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
r = trace r'

And we are done. Using function r, we are able to solve the proposed problem, however, we have an enormous issue as we don’t trust that this solution actually works because it uses function trace which we don’t understand yet, or even believe that it is incorrect. So, let’s use ghci to see if I’m lying to you:

*Main> r [1..10]

You can check on your own by copy-pasting these functions and testing them out. It will work and you’ll want to surrender functional programming and close this post. Calm down! At the end of our adventure, I assure you that it is going to be clear.

Secret sauce

The proposed solution only works because of one powerful and underestimated aspect of Haskell: lazy evaluation. It is only because the interpreter/compiler works in this manner that our algorithm is possible. So what does this concept actually mean? It means that we only do what is necessary. I assume that the reader already has a great notion of it but for the non-initiated, I present pseudocode to serve as an example to provide enough intuition:

if( s1 || s2 || ... || sN) {

In the lazy approach, we only care about what is necessary in order to continue our computations. So, if statement s1 is True, we don’t need to compute any other statement due to the nature of the OR logic operator. Remember, we only do what is unavoidable to go on.

Another relevant topic to understand the explanation is the idea of thunks. During lazy evaluation, Haskell builds a graph of required computations requested by the current computation in order to be evaluated. Each vertice of this graph is a thunk. To give an example of this, let’s use the following:

*Main> x = 1
*Main> a = x + 2
*Main> y = a : []
*Main> y

To get the list “y”, we need to know what the name “a” refers to. In order to do that, we need to evaluate “x”. At each step of the lazy process, we call something else that we need to evaluate the minimum of the computation. We do not have to evaluate everything, just what is a must-have to satisfy our needs. This principle is also known as call-by-need.

Now we have enough tools and concepts to fully understand what is going on with the code of the previous section.

Slow but steady effort

trace :: (a -> c -> (b, c)) -> a -> b
trace f init = result
    where (result, feedback) = f init feedback

r' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a -> ([a], a)
r' [x] m = ([m], x)
r' (x:xs) m = let (rep, m') = r' xs m
                            in (m : rep, min x m')

r :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
r = trace r'

*Main> r [1,2,3]

Above, I added the same code previously presented plus our small toy example so you don’t need to scroll all the way back to follow along. Let’s start checking if we are all on the same page. Function r, in order to be evaluated, will call function trace which uses r’ as an argument. So what we really need to understand is the following:

trace r' [1,2,3] = result
    where (result, feedback) = r' [1,2,3] feedback

With this checkpoint out of the way, we can get our hands dirty, i.e, try to simulate what the interpreter/compiler does, never forgetting that we are lazy and we know what thunks are.

To provide an output to the trace function, we need to know what “result” is. After reading the where clause, we are capable of knowing more about “result”. Intuitively, it depends on the function r’. This means that it refers to r’ to be computed. We now have our first thunk:

result = fst $ r' [1,2,3] feedback

Now that we have understood how we can achieve “result”, we can proceed. The next step is to solve whatever the result of r’ is so we can apply fst to it. But wait a second. Function r’ refers to two names, “[1,2,3]” and “feedback”. The first one is already known which is the list that we have provided in the beginning. However, the latter one, “feedback”, is something that we need to add to our thunk list:

t1 = r' [1,2,3] feedback
result = fst t1
feedback = snd t1

I also renamed the same computation used by both “result” and “feedback” to organize our list of thunks. Knowing this, it is fair to say that t1 is our major problem. Let’s start to compute it. It is clear that the current scenario only matches the second pattern match of r':

t1 = r' [1,2,3] feedback
t1 = let (rep, m') = r' [2,3] feedback
         in (feedback : rep, min 1 m')

t1 = (feedback : rep, min 1 m')

Because we have updated what t1 is, we can change our thunk list:

result = fst $ (feedback : rep, min 1 m')
result = feedback : rep

feedback = snd $ (feedback : rep, min 1 m')
feedback = min 1 m'

Now we know what “result” is in a more precise way. However, because we want to print the answer on the screen, this is not enough. It is necessary to continue. Our answer is composed of two parts, “feedback” and “rep”. To compute the end result, both of them are required. With our thunk list, we have a hint of what “feedback” is. It uses “m’” though, so let’s add this guy and “rep” to our list:

result = feedback : rep
t2 = r' [2,3] feedback
rep = fst t2
feedback = min 1 m'
m' = snd t2

These names refer to a part of our previous computation using r’, t1. I’ve named t2. We didn’t care about it before because that was not necessary in order to continue at that point in the evaluation process. Let’s compute t2. It should be trivial to see that the same pattern is used:

t2 = r' [2,3] feedback
t2 = let (rep2, m'') = r' [3] feedback
         in (feedback : rep2, min 2 m'')

t2 = (feedback : rep2, min 2 m'')

I need to point out something really important. During this computation, we have created new names, e.g, “rep2” and “m’’”. Although this is not written in the original body of the function r’, this renaming aspect is necessary due to the previous computation of r’ (t1), which produced “rep” and “m’”. We need to be careful because we can overwrite a name, thus overwriting a thunk. Notice that this is not the same case for “feedback”. This is the same “feedback” as before and we are just passing this guy as an argument over and over again. Pay attention to this pattern. After updating our thunk list, we will have something like this:

result = feedback : rep
rep = feedback : rep2
feedback = min 1 m'
m' = min 2 m''

As the reader should have already guessed, we need to add new members to our thunk list due to “m’’” and “rep2”:

result = feedback : rep
rep = feedback : rep2
feedback = min 1 m'
m' = min 2 m''
t3 = r' [3] feedback
rep2 = fst t3
m'' = snd t3

I know this is getting a bit too long but we are almost there, trust me. Let’s compute t3. This time though, we have only one element in the list, thus we will use the first pattern match of r':

t3 = r' [3] feedback
t3 = ([feedback], 3)

This last computation does not refer to any other new one. We can update our thunk list with our new findings. I will also compute all the binary functions, such as min:

result = feedback : rep
rep = feedback : rep2
feedback = min 1 m'
m' = min 2 m''
rep2 = fst $ ([feedback], 3)
m'' = snd $ ([feedback], 3)
result = feedback : rep
rep = feedback : rep2
feedback = min 1 m'
m' = min 2 3
rep2 = [feedback]
m'' = 3
result = feedback : rep
rep = feedback : [feedback]
feedback = min 1 2
m' = 2
rep2 = [feedback]
m'' = 3
result = 1 : 1 : [1]
rep = 1 : [1]
feedback = 1
m' = 2
rep2 = [1]
m'' = 3

After this last update move, we now have a list of numbers as our representation of “result”! Our battle is over! We can print on the screen the entire list and celebrate!


As I have already presented, the secret sauce of this solution is a combination of lazy evaluation with the notion of thunks. Why do we call this circular programming or corecursion though?

These names come from the nature of generating new computations in a circular fashion using current data to produce even more. Normally with recursion, we slice the problem into smaller subproblems and stop with some sort of base case. Here we use what we have already computed to produce more computations and future computations interfere directly with past computations, reminding us of pointers in imperative languages like C. Reference [2] has more information about this topic.

