Fixing Recursion



I created this post during the make of my graduation project more than one and half years ago. This post served as training of a topic I had the intention of talking about in the final thesis – something that ended up not happening. You know that when math comes into programming something special is going to happen!


Recursion is a common way to solve a wide range of problems. Usually, this concept is understood as a mix of auto reference and the notion of repetition. Here, I attempt to separate these two ideas highlighting how and why repetition should be the main intuition behind recursion, regardless if auto reference is been used in the majority of the situations alongside repetition.

To accomplish this goal, I will use functional programming as the medium to isolate these concepts during our conversation. Moreover, I assume the reader has a solid understanding of the λ-calculus fundamentals.


We use recursion frequently during the solution of daily problems. From factorials and fibonacci sequences to binary trees, we are constantly using this concept. These solutions are using repetition, but, usually, this is not the primary thing we recall from it.

int fact(int n){
    if (n == 0){
        return 1;
    return n * fact (n - 1);

Because we use recursion regularly with auto reference, we tend to associate or tie recursive patterns with auto reference almost as synonyms. So, the main idea of repeting something fades away during implementation of recursive solutions.

Auto reference, however, is a more tricky idea than it might seems. First, it gives us the power to define something using something not yet defined completly. To illustraste this, let’s take for instance the factorial function, the one I presented before. In order to define the function fact we are using the same function, which is yet to be complete! We didn’t finish to write the function and we are already using it and, as a coincidence, it ends when we call it again. This, however, is not necessarily always the case. We can write implementations that do not return the recursive call, such as the fibonacci algorithm below. How can we use something that we don’t know where it ends yet?

int fibonacci(int n){
  if (n <= 1)
    return n;
  int n_1 = fibonacci(n - 1);
    int n_2 = fibonacci(n - 2);
  return n_1 + n_2;

Another interesting detail is on the side effects of using auto reference, such as saving our past information. Using again our factorial function as an example, at each step of the iteration process, we need to save n , because when we are finished calculating the factorial we will be “unpacking” all the n numbers we have packed before in order to get our final answer. Clearly, this is doing more than just repeting itself. During the process, we have to save the current state to multiply all the numbers afterwards.

The notion of auto reference contains some strange behaviours embedded into it. It does more than repetition and contest our intuition of repetitive processes. Can we remove auto reference from our programs and just stick with repetition? Short answer: yes. Long answer: come along for the ride.

A different Approach

Now that we have established that auto reference is strange in some degree, let’s start to build a self-reference-free solution to a simple problem, such as calculating the factorial of a number. Of course, because we all have seen factorial implementations before, this is not an easy task. It requests us to reject our intuition.

Thus, our first attempt, although it may appear is coming from nowhere for now, is the following: let’s suppose that repetition can be injected separetely into a function, such as factorial. What? Ok, let’s jump into some code, haskell this time around:

fact f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * (f (n - 1))

My suggestion is to isolate the process of doing factorial, which involves multiplying, from the nature of repetition. In our case, the function f is our secret ingredient that will provides the repetitive nature to our program, thus eliminating the necessity of using auto reference. At this point, we are not using fact over and over again, calling itself.

Naturally, we are assuming that this auxiliary function can be defined in the first place. If it does not, we can’t use this approach of interpreting repetition as an entirely unique thing. However, I will solve this mystery by using λ-calculus:

fact f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * (f (n - 1))

*Main> fact' n = Y fact n
*Main> fact' 3
*Main> fact' 5

A couple questions should have appeared in your mind, like: what on earth is Y? And, if you are a little bit more confortable with haskell, you will also ask: how this type checks? Both of these questions have interesting answers. Let’s dive into them.


In order to understand the proposed solution, we need to understand two combinators in λ-calculus. The reason is the strong relationship between these combinators and the ideia of recursion itself, as we will see in a few moments.

The first one is the Ω combinator. This combinator is the secret behind the idea of repetition and does not use auto reference:

Ω = (\x -> (x x)) (\x -> (x x))

Intutively, this operation picks an argument and duplicates it. To get the expression’s value we can attempt to evaluate this expression, i.e, transform it into its normal form. We will get stuck in the same step over and over again.

a = (\x -> (x x))           -- Renaming step
(\x -> (x x)) a             -- Omega combinator with the second part renamed
(a a)                       -- Applying a to the function in the former part
(\x -> (x x)) (\x -> (x x)) -- Back to where we started

A relevant observation is that while evaluating Ω, although we didn’t use auto reference, we have produced Ω again because of its definition. This aspect is relevant to understand our next steps.

Although this combinator manages to introduce repetition in λ-calculus, it is not useful by itself because we don’t have control of what exactly is being repeated and plus it is repeting forever. We, as programmers and engineers, are interested in stopping a specific process at some point in order to get a valuable result. This is where the Y combinator comes in. It inherits the repetitive notion from the Ω combinator but adds an important new aspect:

Y = \f -> (\x -> f (x x)) (\x -> f (x x))

This second combinator is very similar to the first one and it is part of our answer in the previous section. The key difference though rests in the function f. The addition of this input function gives us the power to say precisely what we want to repeat and to stop at some point during the computation. Lastly, I want to point out an interesting detail of this combinator:

a = (\x -> f x x)                     -- Renaming step
Y = \f -> (\x -> f x x) a)            -- Y combinator with the second part renamed
Y f =  f a a                          -- Evaluating
Y f = f (\x -> f x x) (\x -> f x x)   -- Replacing for what the label represent
Y f = f (f a a)                       -- Almost back to where we started
Y f = f (Y f)                         -- Auto reference? Is that you?

This last result lead us to think that we are using what we have promised we would not use, auto reference. It may seems that we have removed auto reference from the factorial function, but, at the same time, we are using it again in the Y combinator, suggesting that we are cheating by just passing the problem to another part of the solution. But that’s not the case because it is the Y combinator definition that is producing this result. Its behaviour captures perfectly our notion of auto reference, although indirectly. Not because we have defined in that way, like we usually do with auto reference, but because it’s own definition results in this as a consequence. It seems like auto reference is a consequence of the repetitive nature of the Y combinator.

We can make, as a proof of concept, an example. Let’s use function “const” as our victim to see our results:

f5 = const 5

Y = \f -> (\x -> f x x) a) -- Y combinator definition
Y f5 = f5 (Y f5)           -- Using our previous result
Y f5 = const 5 (Y f5)      -- Replacing function for its definition
Y f5 = 5                   -- End result

In conclusion, we can explore the Y combinator by passing to it an arbitrary function and its definition is sufficient to do repetition by its own naturally. And, we have saw that auto reference appears indirectly as a corollary of the combinator’s construction. We manage to dodge our poison and stick with just repetition as the fundamental ideia behind it all.

Getting back to Earth

Discussing abstract ideas such as combinators is always challenging because we can go so far away and forget the practical consequences of our conclusions. To avoid this feeling and to illustrate the importance of our discussion, we will go back to our loved factorial example trying to simulate step by step.

Let’s remind our solution:

fact f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * (f (n - 1))

*Main> fact' n = Y fact n
*Main> fact' 3
*Main> fact' 5

As we saw earlier, the Y combinator is responsible for the repetition nature of recursion. Although it is not possible to use it in Haskell without any type of hacks, we will assume that it is built into the language, so we can stick with the knowledge we have leverage. Later on, I will present a solution that actually works out of the box in Haskell.

The secret to understand what is happening here is to abuse one of our last results from the previous section. With that in mind, we have our first step:

fact' 3 = Y fact 3          -- Computation of the factorial of 3
fact' 3 = fact (Y fact) 3   -- Using our mind bending result

We get an intriguing intermediate result. Initially, we didn’t know how we would be doing factorial because we know repetition is a necessity and we are not calling fact again, thus using auto reference in order to repeat the iteration process. Instead, this nature is being captured by the Y combinator and, more importantly, as we have saw earlier, without the fact function calling itself, using just repetition.

With this visualization, we can now answer why this type checks. The function fact “waits” for two arguments and this is exacly what is happening. The property of the Y combinator of naturally replicating itself satisfies the type requirements of the fact function.

We can finish the computation using the same strategy:

fact' 3 = fact (Y fact) 3
fact' 3 = 3 * (Y fact 2)
fact' 3 = 3 * (fact (Y fact) 2)
fact' 3 = 3 * 2 * (Y fact 1)
fact' 3 = 3 * 2 * (fact (Y fact) 1)
fact' 3 = 3 * 2 * 1 * (Y fact 0)
fact' 3 = 3 * 2 * 1 * (fact (Y fact) 0)
fact' 3 = 3 * 2 * 1 * 1
fact' 3 = 6

Fixed points

I want to additionally point out something quite unexpected that I purporsely ignored until now. Let’s remember this piece of our journey:

a = (\x -> f x x)                     -- Renaming step
Y = \f -> (\x -> f x x) a)            -- Y combinator with the second part renamed
Y f =  f a a                          -- Evaluating
Y f = f (\x -> f x x) (\x -> f x x)   -- Replacing for what the label represent
Y f = f (f a a)                       -- Almost back to where we started
Y f = f (Y f)                         -- Mind bending property

Rearranging this final mind bending property we get:

Y f = f (Y f)                         -- Mind bending property
P = f P                               -- Fixed point definition

In mathemetics, the name for this final conclusion is fixed point [1], where a fixed point of a function is an element of the function’s domain that is mapped to itself by the function. As an example, we have the fixed point of the network cosine function:

cos(0.7390851332151607) = 0.7390851332151607

In our cause, the extremely non intuitive aspect here is that the fixed point P is not a number. It is Y f , which is a function. Although this is quite hard to imagine, because these two concepts appears to be so distinct, recursion, which uses the mind bending property, somehow is related with calculating the fixed point of some arbitrary function f .

As I promised earlier, a simpler solution to the Y combinator problem in haskell can be solved by replacing the combinator by an alternative function, inspired by this fixed point concept:

fix f = f (fix f)

This is not the defnition of the fix function used in Haskell in Control.Monad.Fix. The official definition is a little different, but for our purposes the one presented above provides enough understanding.


After this adventure, we can, not even distinguish auto reference from repetition, understand that repetition is the fundamental principal of recursion. We went back all the way to λ-calculus in order to understand that recursion is an idea strongly related to repetitive nature and not necessarily to auto reference. We have discovered that auto reference is a particular case of repetition happening behind the scenes. Finally, we saw a relationship between the fixed point concept and recursion, which is quite odd because we don’t have an intuition about the relation of fixed points with recursion. They appear to be completely separate ideas, but we discover that they have a surprising firm connection.

Ultimately, the idea of recursion cannot be expressed without the notion of repetition, and using auto reference to explain it is not wrong but rather incomplete.

